Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Zumba Tuesday?

Just to start this convo properly; You are so inspiring my love :) ok, now that the gushyness has been accommodated ;)

What do you think about Zumba Tuesday? You know how much I want to start a kind of Zumba club at the schools. I would love to do something at the Jr. High once a week, which you know. it's a big huge magilla of an idea. But I was thinking something small, and actually like planning it all out...novel right? Me....plan...wow.  Anyway. My basic thought was this: Pitch to the PTA the idea of letting us use the parent room on Tuesdays for Zumba. I want to start with a pre work out warm up (Carmen electra has the best all muscle warm up/stretch i have seen) then hit the Beto Boogie for all we got for 45 min. After we cool down and hang out for lunch. After that offer an open 1hr children's health discussion topic and a speaker. I know it seems like allot, but bear with me, this IS me we're talking about. I don't know how to do anything small..lol

So the plan would look like this:

Tuesday 8:30-9:30 Warm Up, Zumba, Cool Down
              9:30-10 Break
              10-11 Lunch
              11-11:30 Break
              11:30-12:30 Health Discussion
              12:30-1 Break
              1-2 Warm Up, Zumba, Cool Down

The reason for having it twice is so that if someone has am or pm pre-school or kindergarten they can still come. We can't do child care so that would be the closest thing to it we could offer.
 It's a club not a class so we won't be violating any copyright stuff.
IDK it is a though about how to begin and actually be something of more value than just a bunch of suburbanites getting together to exercise..lol I want to provide opportunities to grow. Growth is my obsession i think..lol

Share your thoughts and ideas please :)

Oh, and if we started it in Jan as a test thing we could apply for the healthy living grant from National for next year :)


  1. Sounds awesome. Of course I work in the AM so I would miss the morning session. Allow me to play devil's advocate for a minute. How many people can we fit in the parent room and still have room to move? What if, we applied to use the community room at the library (as long as they don't close it) and not charge but ask for donations to give to the library as a Thank You for letting us the room? We could fit 10 people there. At the Middle school, if we do it after 12:30, we could use the cafeteria and the room is substantially larger... I'm not opposed to starting small. Just don't know if we could accomodate the anticipated response. (of course doing it 3 days a week would be awesome as long as people only signed up for one day... just saying...

    your turn... LOL

    ps - I love you.

  2. I like the Library idea, i think we could fit at least 15-20 in there actually. Everyone wouldn't be able to see the screen, but the proposal kind of mandates that we have the routine down by rote before we begin.

    The 3 days a week thing would be awesome, but if we are going to do that i would want to go through the training (in Florida) to become an actual instructor. that way i could charge for the classes without any infringement issues and my 3 days would be a bit more lucrative, although just as hectic.

    It would work out on Tuesdays though i think. And if i was able to start that Pre School (not Pre-school) litteracy program thing up, i was thinking every other friday (the ones i don't have popcorn on, which starts next week btw...don't let me forget..lol). I don't really want to do lunch in the cafeteria...for either thing. I would rather do a healthy lunch in the parent room. But both programs could be funded by outside sources and the PTA. There's no reason why they couldn't. To start, however, in the pilot program stage, i would have to find other funding resources. I could talk to whole foods, family wellness clinics, places like that. And they could earn a spot to come speak. that would be cool.

    Tell me more my love :)

  3. PS. Apple and cheddar paninis for dinner sat :) i need a sauce...i would do a lovely blue cheese...but you people are fuddy duddies ;)
