Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Zumba Tuesday?

Just to start this convo properly; You are so inspiring my love :) ok, now that the gushyness has been accommodated ;)

What do you think about Zumba Tuesday? You know how much I want to start a kind of Zumba club at the schools. I would love to do something at the Jr. High once a week, which you know. it's a big huge magilla of an idea. But I was thinking something small, and actually like planning it all out...novel right? Me....plan...wow.  Anyway. My basic thought was this: Pitch to the PTA the idea of letting us use the parent room on Tuesdays for Zumba. I want to start with a pre work out warm up (Carmen electra has the best all muscle warm up/stretch i have seen) then hit the Beto Boogie for all we got for 45 min. After we cool down and hang out for lunch. After that offer an open 1hr children's health discussion topic and a speaker. I know it seems like allot, but bear with me, this IS me we're talking about. I don't know how to do anything small..lol

So the plan would look like this:

Tuesday 8:30-9:30 Warm Up, Zumba, Cool Down
              9:30-10 Break
              10-11 Lunch
              11-11:30 Break
              11:30-12:30 Health Discussion
              12:30-1 Break
              1-2 Warm Up, Zumba, Cool Down

The reason for having it twice is so that if someone has am or pm pre-school or kindergarten they can still come. We can't do child care so that would be the closest thing to it we could offer.
 It's a club not a class so we won't be violating any copyright stuff.
IDK it is a though about how to begin and actually be something of more value than just a bunch of suburbanites getting together to exercise..lol I want to provide opportunities to grow. Growth is my obsession i think..lol

Share your thoughts and ideas please :)

Oh, and if we started it in Jan as a test thing we could apply for the healthy living grant from National for next year :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The perfect day

I'm going to go ahead and use this as a more personally reflected blog at this point so bear with me.

For the perfect day, or even just a good day, starts with a clean environment. I do not like starting my day in a mess. I hate waking up to a sink full of dishes, cups in the living room and a bathroom that smells like it was teleported to my house from a gas station far...far....away. Let's get real here though, life happens. That sink full of dishes is because of the wonderful meal i was able to share with my family last night. That bathroom is just a result of allot of humans and only one out house and so on and so forth. What can i do to improve my beginning?

Be more in control of my end. I have noticed of late that i am "done" by 8pm. I want them all in bed, even the teenagers, and out of my hair. I do not know what to do with myself at that point, so i usually just watch a movie with my husband and go to bed. This isn't altogether bad, but it's not really productive and honestly, it's not practical either. I'm not getting any real fulfillment by hanging out on the couch like a lump every night. I love cuddling with the big guy and all of that, that's terrific, but we don't really connect while watching a movie and neither of us is left feeling that "good about myself" feeling one has when they go to bed after completing their day. We just kind of give up on it and hit the hay..lol

From now on, after i sing to the kids (which i have really been slacking on lately as well..ugh! what a schlep..lol) i need to take 30 minutes to pick up, maybe fold laundry or wash a load of dishes. I can ask big Daddy to do something too. He is very willing, as long as he's not in the middle of a chess game or 20 questions, to help out. I don't really ask too much of him though. I am haunted by the face of a little, old, brunette, Irish woman who insists that if i am a "good" wife i will do EVERYTHING. You know, the whole 70's single mom, "I can bring home the bacon..." bit. It's hard to overcome that little leprechaun on my back; they dig into you and don't really like to let go. The thing is, we all need a little more sanity in my house and maybe, just maybe, if i asked for help now and then my husband wouldn't think he was obsolete except in those two areas of life where i have pretty much confined his family involvement; creation and provision. (we're done "creating" at this time, so it's all "research" and practice from here on out. Gonna write a killer thesis in heaven..lol).

The other components of my good and perfect day scenario (keep in mind i am working within reality here..not that whole..if money was no object stuff..lol) are exercise; i love walking with my boys, i just lack the gumption to drag myself out of bed in the morning. I need the time with them, they need it with me. It's a great way to start a day...i don't know why i quit so easily..over and over. ug. Quitting is habitual. It's something i do for fear of failure and for fear of success. I don't think i know how to handle either. So, we walk. M,W & F i walk with AJ, T & Th i walk with Jo and Sat i am supposed to walk with Tabby. Need to do that for her too. Maybe Sun i could walk with D. He and i enjoy walking together. I know it's Sunday morning, and i usually have to get my lesson done, because i cannot think as well without the pressure..lol But if we got up at 5 it wouldn't be a big deal. Neither of us work on Sunday. we don't watch Football. we can always nap after church or just relax or whatever. IDK. It's a thought.

"Next!" yes, yes, moving on...Devotions are going wonderfully. we have a schedule for it and i have started doing the "tiny Talks" devos with the small ones..which is still, after 10 yrs the best kids devo book i have ever found. The small ones love it. I have to get a little more strict with the morning routine though. they need to wash up before school.Also they need to get their homework done before bed. It's difficult because we used to eat then clean up and get ready for bed which takes an hour..of course. Not we eat and they try and get their homework done, it messes up the whole sched for them and i need to adjust that. 5 is a better time for dinner, even though it seems too early. it gives us the time after for play, homework, showers, clean up and reading time. ....wow...what a rabbit track!...

I need time to Pray and write when Azy goes to school. A house that needs to be actually cleaned doesn't fit into that scenario. writing after nap wont work either. But i can clean the kitchen after nap...i have to get snack together and all that anyway. I REALLY don't like picking the girls up from school. it takes away that breather i need..you know? the prep time to be ready for the whole throng to filter in and yap their adorable little heads off about all the things i HAVE to remember or their little worlds will fall apart because Mommy doesn't really care. UgZabo know that starting next week i will not be picking them up. Not because i am abandoning them, but because i want to be able to be ready for them when they come in. Or...i could just make sure i am up by 145...or even 2 and just kind of putter around for 20 min and make sure everything is ready. I will have to think more about that one.

That's all i have in my head on that topic really. I want to exercise, spend time with God, clean my house and write every day, emphasis on "day". These things are important to me. I need, for my own sanity, to make time, get up, be self motivated to do these things because they are good for me and everyone here. Back to the plan. Tomorrow.